Sunday, January 1, 2012


Ahh... it's that time again. Confession: I've never stuck to a resolution in my life... ever. Shocker, I know, I actually AM just like everyone else. Impossible to believe, but true nonetheless.

Anyhow, I'm making them this year and, by God, I'm going to see (at least some) of them through.

I present the list:

1. Save (all my) $$. Without this step, nothing on the rest of the list can feasibly occur.
2. Lose weight. Yep, same every year. Damn it. It's going to happen.
3. Move to NOLA. Ok, this probably requires a separate post, but I'm going to just condense it here. Move to NOLA *permanently* and in my own place. That pretty much sums it up. I just need my own place.
4. Stop relying on Dad for backup. My Daddy has my back always-- but it's time that I give him a little reprieve. I need to completely stand on my own two size 9.5 feet.
5. Travel to a new place. Pretty self-explanatory.
6. Take piano lessons. I've wanted to be musical for quite some time, and I know that learning an instrument in adulthood is supposed to be rather difficult--- I'm doing it anyway.
7. Complete two bucket list items. I don't know which ones, but two of 'em.
8. Volunteer. I used to be a very active volunteer and I'm not quite sure what happened. I've been too selfish.
9. Fall in Love. So this is not really within my control, not something I can resolve to do, but it's there and there it will stay. C'mon 2012.
10. Blog, more. *More* is intentionally vague. Hey, this is an ambitious list as it is. I have to give myself some slack somewhere. Though, I truly do want and need to keep this one. (Also, watch out for the launch of NOLA BASH's blog. Yeah, I'm sadly and shamefully behind schedule on that too, but -- well no buts-- I'm me. It's what I do. Ok, one but, I DO have three posts already written just waiting to be published. So, hah!)
11. Man up on current events. It's too easy to ignore the world. I don't want to do that anymore.
12. Dress like Elsie Larson. Ok, basically BE Elsie Larson-- but me. Her style is unreal. Just go visit her blog ( and you'll see.

2011 was such a significant year. NOLA BASH was born and brought with it so many challenges and rewards. I had some tumultuous personal relationship moments (more than make me comfortable), and medical upsets. I uprooted, re-rooted, and finally settled to make a huge practical decision regarding my career. I grew even closer to my family. I'm hoping 2012 will be a year of creativity and personal and spiritual growth. Here's to hoping. Happy New Year!


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