Wednesday, January 11, 2012

NY Reso. Recap Uno

Blog more. As previously mentioned, “more” is intentionally ambiguous. However, I find that I am simply brimming with things to write down for later bloggage, and I know I’ll get around to all of them eventually. And the “more” is coming easier, I think. I did start the NOLA BASH blog and I’m pretty darn proud of myself. Check her out. Two posts in one day, too! As for this little darling, I’ve planned how I’m going to stay on top of things by making yet another list. (If I had a dime for every list I’ve made… well you know the saying.) My list consists of 5 bullet points to help me stay focused. The first one is inspiration from one of my favorite food blogs where in 2011 the writer posted a montage once a week consisting of a food photo from every day of something she cooked, bought, stumbled upon, was especially aesthetically pleasing to her, etc., and I truly enjoyed following her journey. This year she kept the same montage a week but is capturing life photos instead of just food. I have a feeling mine will morph into some happy marriage of the two. For now, I’m sticking to food because one of my other resolutions (lose weight) is actually rolling along quite well (thanks in large part to this piece of prolific inspiration along with calorie counting and daily exercise) and I find that I want to catalog this edible voyage. My pictures (in quality, detail and consistency) aren’t up to par of shutterbean’s (the first link) but I’ll get there…
Week of Jan 1-8
(I’ll go ahead and confess now, I forgot to take pictures last Mon, Fri and Sat. So sue me.)
New Years Day Tradition. Obvi not low cal what with all the butter and bacon on everything, but I didn't start my resolution until the 2nd. =) And, I'll be damned if there's a Jan 1st that comes around and I don't eat black eyed peas, cabbage and my ma's ridiculously amazing cornbread. (Also, it was mom's birthday and my sister made a delectable dark chocolate raspberry cake with homemade butter cream icing... it was TOO sinful to post.)
1/3/2012 So healthy. I'm brimming with righteousness.
1/4/2012 Egg white omelet with spinach and Gorgonzola, a Cutie clementine, and a shot.5 of Naked Green Machine juice. Yum supreme breakfast.
1/5/2012 Dinner! Stir fried brown rice with veggies--- just the veggies at this point.
1/8/2012 Egg white muffins. My fillings of turkey sausage, cheddar cheese, green bell pepper, green onion and egg whites adapted from this recipe. I made these Sunday night and have been eating very well for breakfast so far this week (at only 55 calories a pop).

Like I said, my pictures are lacking at this point because I always forget to capture the moment and then hastily snap an iPhone pic with no regard for lighting or angles. I will improve.

I’ll also get to my other blogging bullet points later. Hang tight.



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