Sunday, July 3, 2011

The BEST Diet

I meant to write this truly inspired post about the book I’ve most recently read, “Three Cups of Tea” by Greg Mortenson and David Relin. It is a book that everyone should absolutely read and I still intend to dedicate a very long/dreamy post about it, but I can’t quite bring myself to do it just yet. Right after I finished the book, I went through with a scheduled surgery that went horribly awry and blogging, along with everything else, went straight to the backburner.

During my time in ICU, “Three Cups of Tea” remained with me. I kept trying to remind myself that I was lucky to have this medical care available (no matter how intensely they tortured me) and that the pain I experienced was nothing compared to people all over the world that are truly tortured and maimed by landmines and the ravages of war. It worked about 7% of the time. Basically, I’m a huge baby and just wanted to wallow in my own misery.

Bottom line: tonsil extraction sucks hardcore; even more so when your lung collapses during surgery and a 1.5 inch chest tube gets inserted between the rungs of your rib cage in order to reinflate said limp lung. It becomes triple the suckage when you’re what the medical community calls a “hard stick” and your IV keeps going bad and the nurses have to call in specialists to thread a successful IV after they’ve already destroyed your veins in unsuccessful attempts. (Sidenote: I am now deathly terrified of IVs- like nightmare status.)

My recovery at home has entirely consisted of watching HGTV like it’s my job and tossing back the liquid loratabs. I barely eat and I sleep about 15 hours a day. I’m ready to have my life back and everyone who knows me knows that I have ZERO patience. I’m not a pleasant patient. Though, I could possibly be well on my way to satisfying yet another bucket list dweller—the one about the hot bod (hence the title of this post). I’ve lost 20 pounds (hurrah!). Let’s just see if I can keep it up. Doubtful.

Anyway, forgive my less than witty/funny repertoire, I’m on near-constant pain meds and I feel like it has sapped not only my energy but all of my personality as well. At random times during the day I find myself standing in the middle of the kitchen gazing out the window at nothing, my mouth slightly ajar- with possibly some drool seeping out, and it’s really creepy.

I’m just trying to keep up with my blogging no matter how painful it is for you to read. Just don’t forget about me! Cheers!

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